Ligo Haibun Challenge ~ Inspiration


They say there’s no such emotion like when a mother watches her child take those first precious steps.

I have yet to be acquainted with that feeling. But let me tell you about that time when I almost knew how it felt…

It was a morning like any other…

A movement caught my eye. Everything remained still, suspended in midair as I watched her lift one shaky foot. They touched the ground, seemingly savoring how the earth pulsated beneath them.

Then she let go…

Mama released the quad cane and with a big grin on her face, took one trembling step after another towards my grandma who stood in the kitchen stunned, oblivious of the sharp fragments of porcelain that lay shattered at her feet.

‘Look!’, Ma yelled excitedly, ‘I’m walking!’

‘Praise God!,’ my grandmother breathed. Her eyes were brilliant with tears of joy.

Then it occurred to me… for the second time, she was witnessing her child take those first precious steps.

I giggled at my mother’s stubbornness… her obstinate refusal to stick to the norm.

A month ago on that day, when my mom suffered from cerebrovascular accident (stroke) the doctors said with certainty that she’ll never walk again.

They all said it was a miracle.

I believe it was coz of the stuff my ma’s made of.

pursuing life in
relentless spirit she walks
off the trodden path

thorns on trails
they but urge us to
keep walking

I thought I was gonna write about fantasy but ended up writing about inspiration which I don’t do very often since I’m not so good with the teary stuff. lol But this one’s a true story and I hope that everyone who reads this gets to learn something about perseverance, fortitude and optimism from my mom. Coz I sure did.


for Ligo Haibun

22 thoughts on “Ligo Haibun Challenge ~ Inspiration

  1. That surely is an inspiration. Your mum is truly made of some strength. I remember when my mum had her stroke. Seeing her walk for the fist time afterwards was amazing

    • thanks. being from the healthcare field, that experience taught me that there are some things that medicine can’t fathom. like people’s capacity for hope and courage.
      it’s great to hear that your mum was able to walk again ^^

      • Unfortunately things went wrong afterwards with other parts of her body, but she’s alive and even if she is in a wheelchair, she still has her faculties.

        Human courage and determination to beat the odds are brilliant

        • yes, i think it took a lot of courage to hold on to those faculties. whereas some would’ve simply chosen to wither away, your mom’s brave enough to fight, 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing this kz. Beautiful story, and I wanted to know if it was a true story or not so I’m glad you told us. Your mum is something special no doubt, and I see where you get some of the stuff you’re made of 🙂

  3. oh, your mum is truly inspirational, Kz! your haiku also reminds us no matter the obstacles one must keep walking. love the generational connection as well. ☺

  4. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge | call2read

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