
copyright managua gunn

copyright managua gunn


Before, I thought too that time was real… as solid as the ground beneath my feet. I counted seconds, hours and days as though I could see them with my very eyes. I was so sure of its existence. And so it went that I allowed myself to be rushed by the minutes, seasons and years that I felt my life falling around me and slipping through my fingers as quickly and as surely as rain. Had I known better, I would’ve measured it differently… through smiles and kind words and the people who found their way into my doorstep.

© 2013 K.Z. Morano

39 thoughts on “Time

  1. KZ you are such a good writer. I never know what I’m going to get when I open your stories. I see your name and think, what twisty-ending murder has KZ come up with today? And then I get this! Just wonderful and amazing!! 😀

  2. Good work this week, KZ. No one got killed or betrayed!!! Hahahaha! 😀

    In all seriousness, though, reflections just great!!!! But, I am curious — what in the prompt inspired these?

    • i don’t know… after a long day, i was in a reflective mood last night. lol! but seriously, managua shared a similar photo in ligo haibun and i tried to avoid that prompt coz the photo made me feel uneasy, it was all that standing still… there’s something about standing still for so long that i don’t like. i could never do the job that this guard’s doing, i salute her for that. and i just wondered what they think about when standing there… reflecting, trying to distract themselves, or just counting the minutes – or trying not to count the minutes — til they’re relieved of their duty and free to be themselves. 🙂

  3. The word “poignant” gets thrown around a lot, darling, and frankly the excuses are wearing a bit thin in the emergency room (I fell down the stairs, I walked into a door, etc..) but in this case, the word seems appropriate to describe your lovely prose.

  4. Expected a detective/crime story. But, this quite different and nice too. Yes, remember that you chose the snake photo in the Ligo Challenge instead of this one:)

  5. This is wonderful kz. I love the idea of, ‘I would’ve measured it differently… through smiles and kind words..’ – a lesson for us all. 🙂

  6. i would think someone in this job would have lots of time to reflect and your take on the prompt has expressed this brilliantly. Well done.

  7. Time would go much slower in this sort of job, I would think. I had a factory job once where time seemed to go pretty slow. In general though, it seems to flit away like dust in the air.

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