Very Inspiring Blogger Award

It’s 12 midnight here…

Happy Monthsary to me!

Yup, it’s been exactly one month since my very first post! ( check here ) and what better way to celebrate this special day than with another blog award. Awesome blogger liveblissful has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I am extremely thankful to have stumbled upon her blog since I have been trying to eat healthier and her page is filled with delicious yet healthy recipes and a truly inspiring story behind it.

Below are the rules for the Very Inspiring Blog Award so please follow carefully:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Below are the 7 things about me:

1) My top 3 favorite labels are Marc Jacobs, Betsey Johnson and Burberry.
2) I’m grandma’s little pet. ^^ We do stuff together like shop, dine out and get our nails done…
3) According to others, my baths take forever. ^^
4) I collect sexy lingerie.
5) My head is always in the clouds.
6) I used to drink, like, a lot. My favorites: tequila and blueberry vodka.
7) I have obsessive compulsive tendencies and tend to sanitize a lot; ironically, my closet and bedroom are always in a fabulous state of disarray (mostly from spoils of online shopping). ^^

want more facts? check out my about me page ^^

My 15 nominations:

Cee Neuner










island traveler


Diamond Mike Watson



Congratulations, nominees! ^^ Of course, you can always choose not to participate but wouldn’t it be just great to grab the opportunity to thank your fave bloggers as well? ^^

xo -kz

here’s a nice purple ube macapuno cake that i wish i can share with you ^^ — or not :p

19 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations – I completely agree with the blogger who nominated you – you deserve it, indeed – I am very honored that you think of “Le Drake Noir” when you subsequently nominate some other bloggers – thank you so much, I really appreciates it so much… 🙂 😉

  2. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award — again ^^ « The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  3. Pingback: News | Eat, travel, photograph

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