All I want for Christmas and New Year is…


(and Jason Statham)

Woke up this morning to a pleasant surprise. Two positive reviews on Blood Reign Literary magazine that I have stories in. THANK YOU ❤

Reviews mean a lot to writers. I'm sure most of you know this. Most of us don't get paid much for participating in anthos but the feeling of getting our work out there and knowing that people actually read (and like) them is more than enough to compensate for the hard work.

Also, a couple of months ago, I posted a code for Ugly Babies: the Anthology so people can download it for free on Amazon and Smashwords. We’re also on Goodreads (btw, feel free to add me and compare books and stuff) 🙂

If you’ve read the book, please rate it. Pretty please. It would mean a lot to the contributing authors and to those who will be featured in Volume 2. Plus, we’d like to get your honest opinion.

If you liked my story (or any other author’s), feel free to mention it in your review. 🙂 Let us know. Share the love.

Anyway, happy holidays. I’m still celebrating. ^^ I hope your Christmas eve rocked. I’m looking forward to spending my 2014 with you. xoxo

3 thoughts on “All I want for Christmas and New Year is…

  1. I know the feeling of waiting for reviews. I’ve yet to get a single one on Zombie Tree. I’m not sure it that’s because no one has read it or because it sucks and no one wants to say. I’m hoping it’s the former, but that brings the question of how in the hell do I get people to read it? It’s a bit disheartening to say the least. Perhaps I’ll pick up a copy of Ugly Babies here soon.

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